Upcoming Academic Conferences
2025 FALL
These will be announced July 2025
4857 Hwy 67, Suite #2
Granite Falls, MN 56241
Copyright 2012: Center For Scholastic Inquiry. Academic Research Conference. All rights reserved.
At CSI, you choose the level of scholarship that is right for your professional development.
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry (CSI) hosts academic research conferences. The Center for Scholastic Inquiry seeks out and highlights leading academic research in education, business and behavioral sciences to support superior, break through research and establish a platform to recognize and celebrate luminaries, pioneers and practitioners in the professions of education, teaching, business, sociology, psychology, social work and related counseling fields.
Each of CSI’s conferences are designed to perpetuate thought leadership in the fields of education, business and behavioral sciences. With inquiry-focused conferences centered on leading edge academic research aimed at identifying and advancing best practice and promising innovative methods, attendees will be rejuvenated, inspired, empowered and equipped to be leaders and agents of change.
Education, business and behavioral science practitioners and professionals serving at any level, Pre-K through graduate education, and in any capacity will find their pedagogy challenged, their methodology enhanced and their professional practice enriched by participating in CSI’s education, behavioral science and business research conferences .
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry aims to elevate the professions of education, business and behavioral science by fostering academic research, stimulating scholarship and endorsing thought leadership. CSI is the preeminent source for education, business and behavioral science professionals interested in enhancing their practice by learning about contemporary advancements, revolutionary methods, influential trends, best practice models and leadership techniques.

What happens with CSI does not stay with CSI.
Present with Center for Scholastic Inquiry and become internationally recognized for your research.
Learn more about our fusion of great research and powerful professional development!
Click to view our at-a-glance overview
(Click below to watch video)
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry (CSI) board members feel it necessary to share a cautionary note regarding research organizations. Unfortunately, there are organizations that have been created to make money by taking advantage of novice and veteran scholars. Please beware of these! As you know, in order to meet the tenure and promotion requirements of many colleges and universities, faculty are required to present and publish. There literally are not enough journal pages in existence to publish the work of faculty who need to publish or perish. Scammers have found an opportunity to make money; hence, pay to publish. This has created a terrible situation for many research professionals.
CSI was founded in 2011 by a professor who was offended by such predatory groups and wanted to create a reputable organization with high standards and collegial opportunities. CSI is governed by two boards (editorial and advisory) which are comprised of higher education professionals from institutions across the United States. These members work together to ensure high standards with carefully monitored peer review systems. CSI does not charge for publication! We are proud to have a network of scholars who come together to make our offerings and services available. Our network of scholars have a goal of helping one another become our professional and personal best. It is not just an event to attend, it is an organization that will become a part of your professional life. We look forward to working and learning with and from you.
Premier Education, Behavioral Science & Business Research Conferences
We will be hosting our 2025 conferences online. Rather than one opportunity to attend and/or present, we are offering three mini conferences. The three online events will be held September, October, and November. Please plan to attend and/or present at one or all three. Specific dates will be announced soon.
Take this opportunity to share your research and listen to the great presentations you are accustomed to with CSI. On the bright side, there will be no travel or hotel cost and no unnecessary time away from the office.
Everyone at CSI is excited to be offering a series of high-quality mini conferences. We look forward to learning with and from you!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Following the significant loss of a CSI Team member, CSI will be temporary suspending services. Following the tragic and sudden death of Dr. Yerigan's husband, our executive director, Dr. Tanya Yerigan has asked for time to process the tragedy and regroup. The entire CSI family supports her decision to take leave and place services on hold. Additionally, the CSI family extends their deepest sympathies to Dr. Yerigan and her family. We will send an email when CSI is back in service. Thank you for your support.